CANISTEL — “Eggfruit”
Canistel is sweet, and is often described to have a tropical sweet potato flavor.
Canistel has a sweet scent that’s said to smell like mango, papaya, and pineapple.
The (orange/yellow) outside skin of Canistel is thin and smooth. The (yellow) inside
flesh of Canistel is creamy and slightly dry, with its hardboiled egg-like texture giving it
its nickname, eggfruit.
Canistel is native to Central America and South America. It grows in tropical,
subtropical, and Mediterranean regions, but is most commonly found in Mexico and the
Caribbean in addition to Central America and South America.
Canistel is commonly peeled or cut before eaten raw. It’s also added to desserts like
puddings and smoothies for its creamy sweetness.