• What does it taste like? Despite being a grapefruit, Oro Blanco Grapefruit tastes completely sweet and floral, with no sour flavor.
• What does it smell like? Ripe Oro Blanco Grapefruit smells sweet and slightly citrusy.
• What does it feel like? The skin of Oro Blanco Grapefruit is (yellow/green) smooth and relatively thick. Its flesh is juicy and fibrous.
• Where does it grow? Oro Blanco Grapefruit is native to California, where it was naturally created as a cross between a white-fleshed grapefruit and a pomelo. It’s grown in warm temperate climates, mostly in the United States.
• How do you eat it? Oro Blanco Grapefruit is commonly eaten raw on its own or juiced.