
NONI—AKA “Cheese Fruit”

• What does it taste like?
Noni is known for its extremely cheesy and salty taste when ripe.

• What does it smell like?
Noni is also known for its weird, pungent cheese aroma when ripe. Some people find its aroma very pleasing, while others find it very gross.

• What does it feel like?
Noni has a (green/yellow) bumpy skin with “eyes” on the bumps, and a (white/yellow) juicy, soft flesh containing the seeds, similar to a tomato.

• Where does it grow?
Noni is native to Asia, Australia, and the islands of Polynesia. It grows in other tropical regions as well, such as Hawaii.

• How do you eat it?
Noni is mostly eaten raw on its own or juiced, but it can also be added to cooking recipes for its unique, cheesy flavor.