MacArthur Avocado Rare

AVOCADO— AKA “Alligator Pear”

• What does it taste like?
Avocados can taste savory, sweet, fatty, and slightly nutty.

• What does it smell like?
Avocados have a unique scent. Their scent can best be described as savory, sweet, nutty, and tropical.

• What does it feel like?
Avocados have a rich and creamy (green/yellow) flesh. Depending on the type of avocado, the (black, green, or purple) skin can be bumpy or smooth, as well as edible or inedible. It has a pit/seed in the middle of the flesh.

• Where does it grow?
Avocados are native to South America and Central America. They grow easily in tropical or subtropical regions like the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Australia, and subtropical regions of North America.

• How do you eat it?
Avocados are most commonly eaten raw. People eat them in savory dishes, like guacamole, as well as sweet dishes like ice cream.