
CHERIMOYA—AKA “The Pearl of the Andes”

  • What does it taste like?

Depending on the type and ripeness of the fruit, Cherimoyas generally taste very sweet, with flavor notes of different tropical fruits and vanilla.

  • What does it smell like?

When ripe, Cherimoyas have a unique sweet aroma that reminds people of a combination of pineapple, banana, mango, and vanilla.

  • What does it feel like?

Cherimoyas have a (green/yellow) scaley, rough, thin skin that’s easy to cut through. Depending on the type and ripeness, the (white) inside flesh of Cherimoyas are very creamy and juicy.

  • Where does it grow?

Cherimoyas are native to South America. They also grow in other tropical and subtropical regions around the world like Africa and Asia.

  • How do you eat it?

Cherimoyas are mostly eaten fresh, but are also used in cooked dishes and baked sweets. The nutrition, flavor, and sweetness of Cherimoyas motivate people to add them into their meals, snacks, and drinks.