Honeydew Melon

HONEYDEW—AKA “White Honeydew”

• What does it taste like?
Honeydew is a sweet melon that tastes like a mix of cantaloupe and honey.

• What does it smell like?
Honeydew has a slightly sweet aroma similar to other melons.

• What does it feel like?
The (white/green) skin of honeydew is smooth and hard, while the (green) inside flesh is
dense and juicy.

• Where does it grow?
Honeydew is native to Africa but is widely cultivated in North America, Europe, and
Asia. They normally grow on commercial farms but can also be grown in home gardens.

• How do you eat it?
Honeydew is normally eaten raw. You can cut it up with a knife to serve. It’s added to
salads, smoothies, and desserts.